Sunday, April 10, 2016

Progress Report

February 12:
  • Created repository and placed current version of the code into GitHub.
  • Made small alterations in the code.
  • Then continued to work on the actual game map and enemies.
February 16:
  • Small alterations: Fixing the map scrolling (made it occur a bit sooner), added some more images to the png file, began introducing the concept of loading the images sequentially.
February 22:
  • Created enemy’s (More complex, using the images, and declaring them)
February 25:
  • Edited the enemies positions
  • Began adding the characters swords
  • Added the the hearts image and the Gems
  • Added the health system (uses half hearts)
  • Added the directional movement of the character
  • Converted overworld map into number strings.
  • Used tile system
  • Added drops, more enemy textures to the image files.
  • Added title screen image.
  • Re-formatted the text file for TILED (addcurleys function).
  • Edited and added each of the four dungeon files
  • Added a string function that helps load the map
  • Edited map data and made the image loading more efficient(reused certain images).
February 26:
  • Edited the map data some more
  • Edited the tile image for the background
  • Edited borders and camera
  • Added in the drops (emeralds and potions)
  • Edited the drop system
February 29:
  • Edited health system (healthmax etc)
  • Edited drops
  • Added a draw coins function
  • Added skins and enemy type variable for the red enemy
  • Fixed small sword glitch
March 1:
  • Edited sword hitting and drops code
  • Added red knights and blue ball dude
  • Continued to add enemies up to enemy 7
  • Added a black square to the image tile file
  • Edited the store data file
  • Changed the positioning of the enemies
  • Added the store file loading
  • Added text to the store
  • Added a new arraylist
  • Edited enemy loading
March 2:
  • Edited the onscreen hearts and the emerald counter
  • Edited enemy positioning
  • Edited the sequential loading of the files
  • Made the overall code a bit more efficient
  • Edited title screen image
  • Edited text files
  • Added directional checking
  • Added populate arrays
  • Added text game title
  • Added directional key functionality
March 3:
  • Edited levelflex file (added the loading for each?)
  • Added more enemy arraylists
  • Added the store exiting variable
  • Added cheap fix variable and edited the camera shifting
  • Edited badtile function
  • Reset the camera x and y to 0
  • Edited enemies (positions etc.)

March 4:
  • Massive edits to placements of the enemies across the entirety of the map
  • More edits to the direction checking of the enemies.
  • Edits to what occurs at death (resetting of variables) as well as the framework of the win screen.

March 6:
  • More edits to the sprite sheet (added the black eye color for the bottom most enemy and princess).
  • Made a story page and added in the Princess picture
  • Added gem cheat for game testing

March 7:
  • Edited cost of heart to be double
  • Fully added a barebones win page → finished it
  • Edited story page text
  • Added shop entrance image to the enemies png
March 8:
  • Edited enemy skins
  • Small shifting edits
  • Added a special font type
  • Edited the enemy health
March 9: 29 days
  • Edited enemy skins
March 10:
  • Edited enemy skins and positions
  • Created a larger sprite sheet for link
  • Added companion sprite sheet

March 14:
  • Finished adding the companion to the link sprite sheet
March 15: 23
  • Moved entire game files to a new repository
  • Renamed some files
  • Attached companion
  • Added buzzy.js
  • Added sound functions
March 17:
  • Edited enemies(positions and skins)
  • Edited enemy health
March 18:
  • Edited the enemies png (fixed the store entrance and some enemy sprites) and changed some of the enemy skins
March 28:
  • Made a mygame text file → transfered everything over for easy website updating
April 5:
  • Created conversation class and added height to the screen size for dialogue conversations.
April 7:

  • Got the dialogue selection to work.