Sunday, April 10, 2016

Progress Report

February 12:
  • Created repository and placed current version of the code into GitHub.
  • Made small alterations in the code.
  • Then continued to work on the actual game map and enemies.
February 16:
  • Small alterations: Fixing the map scrolling (made it occur a bit sooner), added some more images to the png file, began introducing the concept of loading the images sequentially.
February 22:
  • Created enemy’s (More complex, using the images, and declaring them)
February 25:
  • Edited the enemies positions
  • Began adding the characters swords
  • Added the the hearts image and the Gems
  • Added the health system (uses half hearts)
  • Added the directional movement of the character
  • Converted overworld map into number strings.
  • Used tile system
  • Added drops, more enemy textures to the image files.
  • Added title screen image.
  • Re-formatted the text file for TILED (addcurleys function).
  • Edited and added each of the four dungeon files
  • Added a string function that helps load the map
  • Edited map data and made the image loading more efficient(reused certain images).
February 26:
  • Edited the map data some more
  • Edited the tile image for the background
  • Edited borders and camera
  • Added in the drops (emeralds and potions)
  • Edited the drop system
February 29:
  • Edited health system (healthmax etc)
  • Edited drops
  • Added a draw coins function
  • Added skins and enemy type variable for the red enemy
  • Fixed small sword glitch
March 1:
  • Edited sword hitting and drops code
  • Added red knights and blue ball dude
  • Continued to add enemies up to enemy 7
  • Added a black square to the image tile file
  • Edited the store data file
  • Changed the positioning of the enemies
  • Added the store file loading
  • Added text to the store
  • Added a new arraylist
  • Edited enemy loading
March 2:
  • Edited the onscreen hearts and the emerald counter
  • Edited enemy positioning
  • Edited the sequential loading of the files
  • Made the overall code a bit more efficient
  • Edited title screen image
  • Edited text files
  • Added directional checking
  • Added populate arrays
  • Added text game title
  • Added directional key functionality
March 3:
  • Edited levelflex file (added the loading for each?)
  • Added more enemy arraylists
  • Added the store exiting variable
  • Added cheap fix variable and edited the camera shifting
  • Edited badtile function
  • Reset the camera x and y to 0
  • Edited enemies (positions etc.)

March 4:
  • Massive edits to placements of the enemies across the entirety of the map
  • More edits to the direction checking of the enemies.
  • Edits to what occurs at death (resetting of variables) as well as the framework of the win screen.

March 6:
  • More edits to the sprite sheet (added the black eye color for the bottom most enemy and princess).
  • Made a story page and added in the Princess picture
  • Added gem cheat for game testing

March 7:
  • Edited cost of heart to be double
  • Fully added a barebones win page → finished it
  • Edited story page text
  • Added shop entrance image to the enemies png
March 8:
  • Edited enemy skins
  • Small shifting edits
  • Added a special font type
  • Edited the enemy health
March 9: 29 days
  • Edited enemy skins
March 10:
  • Edited enemy skins and positions
  • Created a larger sprite sheet for link
  • Added companion sprite sheet

March 14:
  • Finished adding the companion to the link sprite sheet
March 15: 23
  • Moved entire game files to a new repository
  • Renamed some files
  • Attached companion
  • Added buzzy.js
  • Added sound functions
March 17:
  • Edited enemies(positions and skins)
  • Edited enemy health
March 18:
  • Edited the enemies png (fixed the store entrance and some enemy sprites) and changed some of the enemy skins
March 28:
  • Made a mygame text file → transfered everything over for easy website updating
April 5:
  • Created conversation class and added height to the screen size for dialogue conversations.
April 7:

  • Got the dialogue selection to work.  

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Progress Report 3/6/16

- Currently, we've completed the maps, single character movement, enemy combat/AI, and currency. A current version of our game can be found here: Version 1. This version was completed this past Thursday. Since then various minor updates have been made. 
-  As we've been thinking about adding the companion aspect to the game, we've realized that some of the maps may need to be redesigned in order to properly complement the functionality of the companion since currently they're built for only one character to be moving through them. Once we add the companion, we will see how it works with each map. 
- This week we plan on setting up a website that will consistently host the latest version of our game until we complete it. We also plan to work on the companion aspect of our game. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016


Autistic Games Apps
Game Name
Ron Gets Dressed
Shows ron getting dressed for various weather climates.
Website - Click and drag game
Helps child dress properly for different weather conditions. Prevents children from doing repetitive actions.
Swinburne University of Technology
Robbie the Robot
Shows various faces, which have to be matched to the corresponding emotion.  
Website -
Click to select
Helps children practice identifying emotions in a non-confrontational environment.
Swinburne University of Technology
The Feelings Game
Show pictures of a variety of different people, each with different facial expression, which correspond to a certain emotion.
Website -
Click to select
Helps teach children a variety of emotions.
What’s Different?
Presents a question and then shows four different images, and you have to select the one that is different.
Website -
Click to select
Helps teach how to differentiate things.

Non-Computer Autistic Games
Game Name
Proloquo2Go - Symbol-based AAC
Presents images along with spoken word.
Apple App
Helps children who have difficulty building vocabulary and speaking
Video Service
Apple App
Functions as a video list, used to prevent autistic children from seeing anything inappropriate online.
Dan Solo LLC

Endless Alphabet
Learning Aid
Apple App
Teaches the alphabet through word association
Originator Inc.
Picture App
Apple App
Helps autistic children become more familiar with new surroundings.

General-Purpose Games
Game Name
Video Game - Construction/Survival
Computer and Apple App
Helps tap into the creative potential of kids and allows them to think past their limitations in the real world.
$26.95 - Computer

Project: EVO
(In development/clinical trials)
Video Game - designed for daily brain therapy
Develops brain skills through a game that gradually increases in difficulty and is designed based on a profile it makes for the user.

  • As far as nearby organizations go, there are plenty. There’s an Autism Speaks location, the YAI Autism Center, the Brooklyn Autism Center, The Center for Autism and the Developing Brain, the Manhattan Childrens Center, and others.